
Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Health n Hygiene
The new normal

The moment we start analysing things on requirement basis they become heavy and weigh us down.
Such is the case with health and along with it comes hygiene. It is taught by mothers, teachers and doctors world wide.On ground it's less appreciated by young children, less educated minds and less fortunate ones as well. A lot can happen but more can be prevented. Just by embracing the knowledge handed down to us by our ancestors about life and it's lessons,we can too hand over the legacy of safe environment to our forthcoming generations.

Cleanliness should be followed as a religion.There ought to be a way which should be accepted by one and all universally. It can be a unifying pact for connecting us on a global level. Posts relating to new and innovative cleansing methods should be shared the most. During testing times of pandemic, the importance of maintaining hygiene becomes unavoidable. So why is it we wait for it happen and then learn a lesson out of it.

We are always searching for meaningful relationships, fulfilling careers, sustainable insurance policies, overflowing bank balances so on and so forth. On contrast we  kind of ignore budding health issues, personal thoughts leading to depression and anxiety and most of all our own over all wellness. We forget to treat our minds with positive thoughts on a regular basis. It is need of the hour and time, where a conscious approach has to be taken towards well being or being well.

Being healthy is a choice and should be taken seriously by one and all. Health should be made a parameter to judge social status. This might make us more thoughtful and considerate towards our own bodies. Lifestyle changes like clean eating habits and avoiding substance abuse can make a whole lot of difference. Let's make it  fashionable, showing off a healthy body should be the new in thing.

We need to revolutionize the idea so as to avoid any more pandemics. Prevention is the only option because we really cannot predict the unknown enemy disguised in form of a health hazard.

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