
Friday, 15 May 2020

   A Matter Of CHOICE

The fact that the whole world is dealing with a break it or make it moment, it is the need of the hour to get our acts together and keep it moving.
Let's make a space....That feels better than NEW. Present life.... should be   foundation for a beautiful tomorrow
Choices we make in life must be
Deliberate choices...
Not default options.....
The world at the moment seems to be in an auto renewal mode.Things are changing as they no longer serve the purpose. Humans are sacred for life, as they have not made healthy choices in past. A lot of things have added up. Even the little ones. Stoics were of strong opinion that our habits, our wisdom and virtues, everything is taken into account.We become what we practice.What we prioritise,either makes us or breaks us.

 In pursuit of moving ahead at a faster pace, we have actually ignored the warnings. Flora and fauna have suffered in equal measures. At this very moment we can just not sit back and think about our own needs. It has to be on a wider scale. While wishing for a better future, we shouldn't ignore what we have and can make the best version of us .. i.e. NOW.

Miracle happens to those
Who believe in themselves

We just have to take a plunge and believe in ourselves.The only positive thought that can open a channel of change is, I should be the change I want to see around me. A tweek in our lifestyle is required. Instead of saying why me let's say why can't I.Say it aloud once, then repeat it couple of times. You are definitely going to feel  change in your outlook and approach towards life and situations.Try and embrace a lifestyle of positivity.

We have to accept the fact that life cannot be perfect.We all try to achieve things which are 'nonessential'.The syndrome of know it all and have it all has brought us here.We are standing at a crossroad not knowing where to go further.Given the present situation, 'The road less taken' seems to be the best option.

More often perfection leads to imperfect emotions.We may look at it differently and say imperfection teaches us a different possibility.It lets us embrace and accept our short comings.
It is difficult to accept and let go.... only
Till we don't give it an honest try.
Things don't change
It is how we feel.....about them changes.
We have to make 'change' look beautiful.There is an absolute need to safe guard our future.

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